CKAD Preparation - Development Environment

April 01, 2021


So it is time to jump into Kubernetes Application Development. Target is set, hope to build a series of posts as I prepare for Kubernetes Application Developer Certification.

Learning guide pinpoint

With few recommendation from friends, colleagues, and references gather following material:

Setup environment to install Minikube

To get started, I want to make sure my work is saves outside my laptop. So, I already have Azure Subscription, I am going to make use of it.

Generate keys to access virtual machine

  • To access the Ubuntu sever from my windows machine, have windows terminal installed to make use of SSH
  • Create keys (optional), open windows terminal at user level using ssh-keygen, generate public and private keys.

Create Ubuntu VM

  • Spin up Canonical.UbuntuServer in Azure

    • Make sure 3 series is selected size, because Virtualization is supported. Select D3 series: Standard D2s v3 (2 vcpus, 8 GiB memory)
    • Make sure to have ssh port open, so that the VM can be access
    • Have auto shutdown to minimize costs

Here is the deployment template

Connect to VM

  • Now the VM is ready, to connect from local machine, in this case windows machine, the private key is saved to .ssh\id_rsa\ folder. It could as well be .ssh\azureadmin\ as in my case I have work with multiple keys.
C:\Users\Koushik\.ssh\azureadmin>ssh -i id_rsa azureuser@<virtual machine pip>

Enable Virtualization on Azure VM

Why: Minikube, that we will use for development, can run with and without virtualMachine driver. In this case we have a Azure VM, and we let minkikube use this as a host. And let minikube create virtualMachine inside this AzureVM.

  • During VM creation, Standard D2s v3 (2 vcpus, 8 GiB memory) Size is selected. Check virtualization on the server using commands

    lscpu | grep -i virtual


    Virtualization:      VT-x
    Virtualization type: full

Install Hypervisor

  • Install VirtualBox within the VM

    sudo apt install virtualbox virtualbox-ext-pack

Install Minikube

Follow the steps below to install minikube and kubectl

## Download binaries
 curl -LO

## Copy to local bin
sudo cp minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube

## Set execution permissions to minikube
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/minikube

## Check Minikube 
minikube version

Check and Install kubectl

Kubectl is already part of the Minikube but incase it is not

## Download binaries
curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl

## Make it executable
chmod +x ./kubectl

## Copy to local bin
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

## Check kubectl
kubectl version

Start Minikube

Run the command to start minikube

minikube start


Shutdown or Restart VM - Handle Minikube

As the AzureVM is stopped and restarted after deallocation, in the backend the host at the Azure datacenter resets the Virtualization settings. Therefore command to start the minikube will result in Exiting due to PROVIDERVIRTUALBOXNOT_RUNNING: signal: killed. So rerun the virtualization command as above

Test preparation references