Create Self Sign certificate
November 05, 2021
certificate |
3 steps to create certificate which also has common name on it. Here are the steps:
- Create Certificate Key:
openssl genpkey -out lts-appgw.key -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
- Create Certificate Server Root (csr):
openssl req -new -key lts-appgw.key -out lts-appgw.csr
Note: Input fields will have common name to be added on the root
- Generate Self-Signed certificate (cer) from the root:
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in lts-appgw.csr -signkey lts-appgw.key -out lts-appgw.crt
To create pfx for the cer file:
openssl pkcs12 -inkey lts-appgw.key -in lts-appgw.crt -export -out lts-appgw.pfx
Note: This prompts for password